Web server requirements
Installation procedure

1 - Unzip all the files on your computer, and upload them to your server.

2 - The /temp directory should be chmodded to 777 (you can use net2ftp.com to do this).

3 - Set your settings in the settings.inc.php file; read "Next steps" below for more details.

4 - A database is only required if you want to log the actions of the users. To create the tables, execute the SQL queries below (also in the "create_tables.sql" file). This can be done easily in PhpMyAdmin, the popular front-end to MySQL.

Next steps

Integration of net2ftp in an existing website
General tips and tricks
The overall architecture of net2ftp has been completely reviewed in version 0.90, to allow easy integration of net2ftp in other web-based PHP applications. The index.php file is a school example of how to integrate net2ftp:

Linking directly to a particular net2ftp page
It is possible to direct users to a particular net2ftp page (browse a particular directory, upload page, ...). Log in, go to the page you want to link to, and click on the Bookmark button: . The next page will show you the link to use; this link does not contain any login information (username or password). When the users click on the link, they will be prompted for their login information by a popup window.

Mambo, Drupal and Xoops modules
Ready-made net2ftp modules for Mambo, Drupal and Xoops are provided with net2ftp version 0.90! Detailed installation instructions are given in the readme.txt file in the respective directories. In all cases you'll first need to install the standalone version of net2ftp, and then install the Mambo, Drupal or Xoops module. Read the instructions carefully, as each step is important.

Web-based control panels
net2ftp has been integrated in the following control panels:

Known bugs and limitations
PHP bugs
If your web server runs on Windows
If you can log in but you cannot see any directory or file in the Browse Screen, then it is probably caused by a filesystem permission problem on your web server.

Quote from the PHP bug report database:
ftp_rawlist requires write permissions to the system's tempoarary directory.
IIS's default installation does not include this in the permissions for IUSR.
The bug is in system configuration, not PHP.

This was discussed in the following PHP bug reports:

If your FTP server is the IIS FTP server
In the FTP server's configuration, set it for UNIX style directory listings rather than MSDOS style listings.